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Mar 29, 2008 04:25 AM |
Sun, “Football Survivor”,
Two on Two FB Skills Tourney
April 5th, April 19th, 2008
Winnipeg, GolfDome
Welcome to the first ever Two on Two Touch Football Skills Championship Tournament, sponsored by Sun Parties.Com, Mazur Football, Catch Run Cover Football Camps, and Labatt’s. Players are taking part in the first ever “Man-O –o- Man-O,” Two on two(or is it one on one?) football skills competition, featuring primarily, the Receiver vs. DB, and the combination Receiver/Quarterback vs the Rushzales/DB combination.
The tournament schedule format, will be “round robin,” which means everyone gets to play everyone to establish “their turf.” In some case you play back to back, while in others you have a break. No doubt though, that like the name of the famous television show …this will be “SURVIVOR!!!” You won’t be voted off by your peers, rather, you will determine where you stand through your performance. (maybe it is like Survivor)This is the first event of this kind, in the World. By participating in this “pilot” event, we hope to gauge how well we have prepared the game, it’s timing, format, etc, and how it all plays out.
The Game format, developed Kasali Akili and Marcus Whittingham over the space of two years, awards points for “making plays” (What a great concept!)- Because in reality, that’s what the game of football is all about. Furthermore, the quality of player here today, embodies the ideal of the “star” # 1 football player, we have all hoped to be. That is, in developing this event, it happened after football practice, that the original challenge went out. (We didn’t have a rusher but it was in real time.) It was One on One, the DB vs, the Receiver. The quality of the patterns by the 16 year old receiver and the supreme recovery skills exhibited by the DB, that first time, had the rest of the team, who were watching, “oooohing and awing” Kasali and Marcus then brought it to Indoor, and played (after their game) until the Golfdome shut off the lights. Again, as we sat on the sideline we were, of course entertained, at the talent of the receiver, and the speed and recovery strength of the DB. If they did not turn the lights off as the signal to go home, we probably would have stayed all night.
We have taken the raw essence of what the game is all about, one on one, (just like when we first started playing in the park or on the street), man-o o-mano- who beats who, and put it into a format that we think you will enjoy and love to play. “The Guru,” Kasali Akili, and Marcus ”Speed” Whittingham have developed the CRC points scoring system (see pamphlet for rules/points/pattern categories) that awards points for “making plays” such as sacks, knockdowns, Ints, touchdowns and receptions.
While all the players are winners already, these stars will compete, to determine the best player at their position, and of course th winning team gets that trip to Mexico.
Check out this premier premiere event. History in the making!
Sun, “Football Survivor”,
Two on Two FB Skills Tourney
April 5th, April 19th, 2008
Winnipeg, GolfDome
The Defenders
1.) Bruce/ Bach (The Utimate)
2.) Clupp/ Gagnon (The Rods)
3.) Havens/ Robinson (The Best)
4.) Ordonez/Brownridge (The MVP’s)
5.) Himes/Kasak (The Rifles)
The Offense
6.) Stephen /Jesse
7.) The Kid/Shea (The Legends)
8.) CBS Crew
9.) Rab/Arnold (Bison Alumni)
10.) White/Barnsbrooke (Kamikaze Kids)
11.) Tougas/Mercier (Big Deal)
East Field with “the Colonel” -BK West field with “the King” -TR
11:25 Havens/ Robinson vs. White/Barnsbrooke Clupp/ Gagnon vs. Tougas/Mercier
11:35 Ordonez/Brownridge vs. Rab/Arnold Himes/Kasak vs. CBS Crew
11:45 Bruce/ Bach vs. White/Barnsbrooke Clupp/Gagnon vs. Rab/Arnold
11:55 Ordonez/Brownridge vs. The Kid/Shea Havens/ Robinson vs. CBS Crew
12:05 Himes/Kasak vs. Stephen /Jesse Bruce/ Bach vs. CBS Crew
12:15 Clupp/ Gagnon vs. The Kid/Shea Havens/ Robinsonvs.Stephen /Jesse
12:25 Bruce/ Bachvs. Stephen /Jesse Tougas/Mercier vs. Himes/Kasak
12:35 Himes/Kasak vs. Rab/Arnold White/Barns. vs.Ordonez/Brownridge
12:45 Tougas/Mercier vs. Havens/Robinson Himes/Kasak vs. The Kid/Shea
12;55 Rab/Arnauld vs. Havens/ Robinson CBS Crew vs. Ordonez/Brownridge
1:05 White/Barnsbrooke vs. Clupp/ Gagnon Tougas/Mercier vs. Bruce/ Bach
1:15 Havens/ Robinson vs. The Kid/Shea Stephen/Jessevs.Ordonez/Brownridge
1:25 Rab/Arnold vs. Bruce/ Bach CBS Crew vs. Clupp/ Gagnon
1;35 Bruce/ Bach vs. The Kid/Shea Clupp/ Gagnon vs Stephen /Jesse
1:45 Tougas/Mercier vs. Ordonez/Brownridge Himes/Kasak vs. White/Barnsbrooke
April 19th TBA. Championship Final - # 1- Offense vs # 1 Defence for the Trip to Mexico

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